Fransalian Formation
Fransalin Formation
FRANSALIAN FORMATION is a process of fostering progressive growth into a mature and integrated human and Christian, consecrated to God, intimate with the Person of Christ revealed in Scripture, nourished through prayer and the Sacraments, with a sense of belonging to the Church, and in tune with our Fransalian Charism thorough assimilation of Salesian spirituality
FRANSALIAN FORMATION is for the mission (Acquisition of Knowledge of peoples, cultures and religions, and the evolution of values in social life) and our mission gives our formation orientation and relevance (Response to God’s call and development of talents with docility, Sound intellectual pursuits leading to emotional and spiritual growth, acquisition of religious discipline and learning of community living).
The principle of unity in our FORMATION finds concrete expression in a diversified manner by being incarnated and inculturated in given social contexts of the Mission.
FORMATION is the responsibility of every member of the Congregation
Fr. Saji George MSFS
General Secretary for Formation
Being a missionary Congregation, the formation of the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales has to be for the mission and as far as possible in the mission. The aim of our formation is to become Christ-like and share in his mission. Formation is a process by which one becomes closely acquainted with Christ, the ultimate formator, through the reflective reading of the Bible and through a prayerful consideration of its message. Christ as the chief formator calls everyone “to be with Him and to be sent out.”(Mk 3:14). This formation for mission is “a fulfilment of what Christ has called us for” (Phil 3:12). The formation is “self-emptying in order to be filled with Christ” (Phil 2: 6-11). The formation for mission should enable us to discover personally who Jesus is for us. It calls for an authentic self-discovery.
The Constitutions of the MSFS in its articles on formation (120-130) very distinctly and evidently states the goals of Fransalian formation. These articles state that the aims of formation are to foster:
- Imitation of Christ, who was poor, chaste and obedient.
- Growing into a complete man loving God, dedicated to the Church after the example of St. Francis de Sales.
- Deepening of consecration, participation in the sacraments and the sense of belonging to the Church.
- Intimacy with Christ nourished by the study of the Holy Scripture and prayer.
- Response to God’s call and development of talents with docility.
- Acquisition of knowledge of peoples, cultures and religions, and the promotion of values in social life.
- Sound intellectual pursuits leading to emotional and spiritual growth.
- Acquisition of religious discipline and learning of community living.
Initial Formation
o Orientation
o PostulancyNovitiate
Religious Formation
Philosophy & Bachelor Studies
Practical Formation
Biblical, Theological & Liturgical
Pastoral Formation
Ongoing Formation
Religious formation is not limited to few years of training but is an ongoing process until death. Both our life and our vocation aim at constant growth and maturity, and that never reach the goal but are always on the way.
The Constitutions of the MSFS is eloquent regarding the indispensability of ongoing formation: “The changes and development that are taking place in the world, in the Church, and in the field of secular and sacred sciences, as well as healthy unfolding of our own personality demand of us that we as individual and as community pursue a life-long process of formation. We also actively involve ourselves in the theological, spiritual and pastoral search of the Church to become more effective and relevant to our times”. “To be what we are and to be so in the best way possible” can be possible only when we are concerned about our ongoing formation. Fr. Mermier demands ongoing formation from the confreres when he says: “Apply yourself to study, above all, of the things necessary for our ministry”. Ongoing formation is needed for the proclamation of the Gospel in the fast changing world and for keeping abreast with current ideas and events.
Const. : 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 130, GD : 99
- Grows in the disposition to be formed by the Father by striving for conformity with Jesus docile to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit exercised through the instrumentality of the Formators.
- Strives, on the basis enlightened self-knowledge acquired through genuine inner freedom, to discern and enter into the Divine design for him, and to grow in commitment to his Fransalian vocation and Mission .
- To relate well with men and women, to cultivate genuine friendships, to purposefully read the signs of the times and to prepare as missionaries to respond to the needs of people anywhere in the world, he seeks, through the judicious use of the infrastructure, facilities and opportunities offered at the successive stages of formation,
Const. : 130, 125, 124, 123, GD : 99 i,
- A Fransalian Formator shares in the work of the Father who, through the Spirit, fashions the inner attitudes of the Son in the hearts of young men and women. This is a gift and a task that he assumes and expresses in a spirit of discerning and creative availability
- He is a Facilitator, in the process of gradually nurturing in the formee, the vision and praxis of the Fransalian foundational and apostolic charism of “Formation In Community for Mission”
- He offers the formees, personalized fraternal guidance through dynamic openness, to assist them imbibe appropriate values and attitudes for physical well-being, emotional balance, intellectual growth and spiritual advancement in authentic personal, social and community living, so as to develop ‘a complete man wholly dedicated to loving God and serving the Church after the example of our Patron St. Francis de Sales and our Founder Fr. Mermier.