Fransalian Social Apostolate & Innovative Ministry (SAIM)
Vision Statement
To embody the compassionate love of Christ and the missionary zeal of our founder, Father Peter Mermier by transforming lives through holistic social empowerment and innovative solutions, creating a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales.
Mission Statement
- To uplift marginalized communities through impactful social programs that address education, health, empowerment, and environmental conservation.
- To foster innovation in ministry by leveraging media, technology, and creative enterprises for meaningful engagement and sustainable development.
- To integrate Salesian spirituality into all endeavors, ensuring that every action reflects respect, compassion, and a commitment to justice and dignity for all.
- To inspire faith and renewal by blending professional expertise with prayerful contemplation, making Christ’s love tangible in the realities of those we serve.
- To reach the peripheries of society with a missionary zeal that bridges divides and builds a harmonious and human-centered community.
The Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS) have embraced Social Apostolate and Innovative Ministry (SAIM) as a vital dimension of the mission, rooted in the Congregation’s charism and the teachings of St. Francis de Sales. From the very foundation of the Congregation, these ministries have been integral to MSFS’s mission, though initially they were considered a part of general mission work. Over time, SAIM has evolved into a distinct and well-organized apostolate, with professional initiatives and dedicated institutions making significant strides in service and innovation.
Fr. J. Stephen MSFS
General Secretary for SAIM
Social Apostolate activities encompass a wide range of efforts aimed at uplifting marginalized communities and addressing societal challenges. These include youth development programs, orphanages, educational sponsorships, technical training, and healthcare services, which extend to hospitable ministry, mobile clinics, and nursing care. Additionally, the ministry empowers women, provides care for the elderly and differently-abled, and focuses on environmental conservation, disaster relief, prison ministry, and de-addiction programs. Together, these initiatives demonstrate a holistic approach to social transformation, rooted in compassion and service.
In parallel, the Innovative Ministries of the MSFS reflect a forward-thinking spirit, addressing contemporary needs through modern tools and technologies. Key initiatives include media and communication projects, the De Sales International Film and Media Academy (DeSIFMA), technology ventures like DeSales Technologies, music academies such as the Desales Music Academy, printing presses that support educational and evangelization missions, and SFS Publications that contribute significantly to intellectual and spiritual growth. Congregation’s commitment to caring for creation, aligning with the principles of Laudato Si, is reflected in various sustainability initiatives that promote self-reliance in communities. These efforts not only enhance community welfare but also highlight the Congregation’s vision of combining innovation with mission.
The SAIM apostolate is deeply anchored in the Salesian spirit of compassion, respect, and personalism, ensuring that every interaction reflects the gentleness and strength advocated by St. Francis de Sales. Missionaries engaged in SAIM are called to embody Salesian contemplative spirituality, integrating prayer and professional expertise to address the needs of the poor and marginalized.
By engaging directly with the realities of the people we serve, while remaining grounded in the Mermierian vision of renewal and faith, we, the MSFS, continue to incarnate the Gospel message in transformative ways. Through SAIM, the Congregation not only addresses immediate social challenges but also works toward building a more human, egalitarian society that reflects the divine plan.
As SAIM gains momentum across provinces, it remains a powerful witness to the missionary pillar of MSFS charism—reaching out to the peripheries and embodying Christ’s mission of love, justice, and renewal.
Ministries under the General Secretariat for SAIM to strengthen and streamline these efforts.
Mission Development Office (MDO):
Animates, mobilizes resources, and supports mission projects.
Fransalian Youth Ministry (FYM):
Focuses on empowering and mentoring young people.
De Sales International Film and Media Academy (DeSIFMA):
Offers world-class education in media and communication.
Desales Technologies (DeTech):
Specializes in technological innovations and IT solutions.
Provincials Secretaries Forum (PSF):
Ensures efficient administration and promotes collaboration.
Salesian Program Annecy (SPA):
Nurtures Salesian spirituality and facilitates ongoing formation in the footsteps of St. Francis de Sales and Father Mermier.